How Long Does Recovery Take for a Deep Plane Facelift?
If your appearance is starting to show signs of aging, you may be considering a facelift. A deep plane facelift is a technique designed for moderate to severe aging face with greater lift and more dramatic improvements in the appearance of lower face and neck, as well as cheek area. When preparing for this facial rejuvenation procedure, it is important to know what you should expect during recovery.
Deep Plane Facelift Recovery Timeline
Preparing for your recovery is an important step in planning for your facelift surgery. Here is what you can expect for the first six months after your deep plane facelift.
Day of Surgery
Dr. Sadati performs the deep plane facelift under twilight anesthesia without the need for intubation with general anesthesia to create a more comfortable experience and easier recovery. Once the procedure is complete and the anesthesia wears off, you can return home. Make sure someone is available to drive you home and help you out with activities like cooking or getting medication. You will want to relax for the rest of the day with your head elevated. Most patients take Tylenol after surgery since the skin remains numb after injection of local anesthesia.
Day After Surgery
The day after surgery, moderate discomfort around the incision sites is common and your face or neck may start o bruise and swell. This swelling usually gets worse over the first few days and then gradually improves for several weeks. Cold compresses will help to reduce swelling and your discomfort. Prescription or over-the-counter pain medication should also be taken as recommended or prescribed by Dr. Sadati. Your drain will be removed the following day. A light compression garment will be provided to help reduce swelling. We will also give you a special healing cream to speed up the healing process of your incisions. Arnica Montana is also recommended.
First Week After Surgery
By the end of the first week, swelling will have started to go down and you can start to resume light activities. Although you should avoid strenuous exercise, you can start talking short walks and running errands if you feel comfortable doing so. Some patients return to work if their job is not physically demanding but others feel more comfortable waiting until the end of the 2-week period. Most individuals can drive to our clinic to remove their sutures at this point.
Second Week After Surgery
Most patients feel back to normal after two weeks and can return to work and other activities that are not physically demanding. You may still feel some tightness in your face and have mild swelling, but the results of your surgery will start to be visible. After two weeks, you should start using a scar-reducing cream provided by Dr. Sadati to minimize the appearance of these scars and achieve optimal results.
One Month After Surgery
After one month, most (if not all) of the tightness and discomfort will have faded. Tightness around the ears and neck may still be felt. You may be able to resume exercising and other physically demanding activities if Dr. Sadati clears you at your follow-up appointment.
6 Months After Surgery
Six months after a deep plane facelift is when most patients see the complete results of their surgery. You can expect an incredible transformation that restores a youthful, refreshed appearance. These results will last for 10-15 years and are best maintained by avoiding sun exposure and wearing sunscreen daily.

Schedule a Consultation
As one of California’s top facial plastic surgeons, Dr. Kevin Sadati is dedicated to giving his patients the best possible results with customized treatments tailored to their individual goals. To determine whether you are a candidate for a deep plane facelift, schedule a consultation today at Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery in Newport Beach, CA.
Call (949) 706-7776 or fill out our online form to schedule your consultation with us. Conveniently located near Fashion Island, the airport and the beach. Please visit us while you are out in the beautiful area of Newport Beach.