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Facelift with Dermal Fillers

derma fillers

The facelift procedure is the best cosmetic surgery available for reducing the impact of aging on the face and providing patients with long-term results. Orange County patients love the fact that this short surgical procedure will remove the excess skin from their face while also tightening the facial muscles at the same time, allowing them to look at least 10 years younger than they did prior to the surgery.

However, while the facelift procedure can provide many Newport Beach residents with miraculous results, it does have its limitations. There is no surgical facelift technique that can supplement lost facial volume or facial fat, which is why many people decide to combine a facelift with dermal fillers.

What Causes Loss of Facial Volume?

The loss of fat or volume in the face is a natural part of the aging process. Many people will find that as the years go on and gravity takes its toll on their skin, their face begins to look sunken and sullen. This is often the result of loss of facial fat, but it can be replenished using dermal filler products such as Restylane and RADIESSE. Patients should discuss their appearance with the surgeon in order to determine if loss of facial volume is impacting them.

How Can Dermal Fillers Be Used During the Facelift?

Dermal fillers can be used in combination with the facelift surgery in order to provide patients with supplemental facial volume. The surgeon will complete the operation utilizing traditional techniques, such as removing excess skin from the face and tightening the muscles within the face.

However, the surgeon also will use injectable dermal fillers in order to provide the patient with the fullness that they desire. This allows them to look younger and rejuvenated, and can help the patient achieve the natural-looking results that they want.

Are Dermal Fillers Both Safe and Effective?

Restylane and RADIESSE are both hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. These types of fillers are considered some of the safest on the market, because the body naturally produces hyaluronic acid. In addition, both of these products have been approved by the FDA and are considered safe for use.

It is important to note that dermal fillers will provide patients with results that last for about six months. At that point, an additional treatment will need to be performed in order to maintain the results for the patient.

Ultimately, most patients want to have a facelift procedure performed in order to rejuvenate their appearance and achieve natural-looking results. Many times, this requires the cosmetic surgeon to utilize several different facelift techniques in order to provide patients with the best results.

An expert facial plastic surgeon will be able to utilize the best dermal fillers on the market in order to add volume to the patient’s face while also giving them the chance to enjoy the results of their surgery for a decade or more. Patients who are interested in this facial plastic surgery and how dermal fillers might be able to help them achieve a youthful, vibrant look should set up a free cosmetic consultation with a qualified surgeon as soon as possible.



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