More Men Turning to Surgery to Stay Competitive
Ageism is an issue faced by men and women alike. Over time, more and more women embraced cosmetic surgery to fight the signs of aging. Now, statistics show that more men are adopting this weapon in a bid to stay competitive.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there has been a nearly 20 percent increase in men taking advantage of cosmetic procedures since 2010. Data also shows that the majority of this growth is in minimally invasive procedures like Botox or fillers. In fact, the number of men getting Botox jumped 27 percent since 2010.
While men have not been surveyed as to why they are undergoing more procedures, Dr. Kevin Sadati at the Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery suspects men are increasingly feeling pressure to look younger. I think that ageism is a driving force behind men seeking cosmetic procedures, Dr. Sadati stated. Companies are seeking millennials because they understand their peers. Older people in the workforce, especially if they appear older, do not fit in with this goal.
Ward Off Premature Aging
According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2016, 18.8 percent of Americans ages 65 and older reported being employed full- or part-time compared to 12.8 percent in 2000. With the rise of the recession, many retirement plans were put on hold for older employees. Now, as they remain in the workforce, they are competing with younger workers. This has left men and women alike wanting to stay current. According to patients and doctors interviewed by CNBC, the goal of plastic surgery wasnt to find the Fountain of Youth, but to ward off premature aging and avoid looking tired.
Patricia Barnes, an ageism lawyer and author of “Betrayed: The Legalization of Age Discrimination in the Workplace”, state that discrimination against older people in the workplace is not just a growing trend, but a pervasive problem. She explains in her book that “It’s a sad commentary on how insecure older people feel in the workplace today.”
Women have long experienced and fought against ageism in the workplace. However, according to Dr. Debra Johnson, the president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, “in the last 10 to 20 years, men have become more interested in how they look and what they wear. Statistics show that women still get more than 9 out of 10 of cosmetic procedures performed. However, this ratio is slowly shrinking. The rise of noninvasive procedures, such as Botox, has certainly contributed to this shift. According to Dr. Sadati, I have noticed that men are less inclined to undergo a more invasive procedure, like a facelift. However, many men ask for fillers to soften wrinkles. These noninvasive procedures can offer big results without a big commitment.
Viviace MicroNeedling Stalls the Signs of Aging
While Vivace is certainly an option for older men, it is also used by younger men who want to stall the signs of aging as they begin to appear. Younger men who are not ready for a facelift, but who have some jowling and neck laxity, are often great candidates for noninvasive Vivace.
Whether you fear ageism in the workplace is stalling your career plans, or you have begun to notice the subtle signs of aging and are not ready for a facelift, Vivace could be the best choice for you. Consider speaking with Dr. Kevin Sadati at the Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery about Vivace and other noninvasive cosmetic procedures that can take years off your appearance. If Vivace is not a sufficient option for you, Dr. Sadati can offer solutions, like a face and/or neck lift, for a more permanent option with long lasting results.
Dr. Sadati is a highly specialized and experienced facial plastic surgeon with over a decade of experience. He has performed thousands of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures and is a board certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon and otolaryngology/head and neck surgeon. Unlike many surgeons in the field, Dr. Sadati uses local anesthesia and twilight sedation instead of the riskier and more expensive general anesthesia. There is also less downtime and recovery with the use of these options. If you are curious about ways to shed years from your appearance, be sure to speak with Dr. Sadati.