Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Lounge | Dr. Kevin Sadati | Dr. Ali Tehrani

Can a Facelift Improve Your Quality of Life?

Can a facelift improve your quality of life

A number of medical and research studies show that cosmetic surgery can boost a persons self-esteem, increase feelings of attractiveness, and eventually lead to greater achievement and success in life. However, less is known about whether others perceive these positive traits in the person who has undergone a cosmetic surgery procedure. A recent study now finds that more often than not, people who have facial rejuvenation procedures, including face, eyelid and eyebrow lifts, are often perceived as more successful and healthy, not just more physically attractive.

The study, published April 27 in JAMA, suggests that cosmetic surgery conveys an even larger societal benefit than merely restoring a youthful appearance to the face. Most studies on cosmetic surgery focus on how the procedures alter the patients outlook on life, feelings of attractiveness, and general overall well-being. However, few studies examine how cosmetic surgery influences the assumptions of others. According to the researchers, To our knowledge, this study represents the largest of its kind to measure the effect of surgery for the aging face on observer perceptions.

In this study, the researchers issued surveys to 504 people (333 women, 165 men and 6 with unspecified gender) who viewed photos of patients before or after surgery, but not both. For each photo, study participants were asked to rate the patients attractiveness, perceived success, and overall health. They were also asked to guess the age of the person in the photo. Study participants viewed images of 12 white female cosmetic surgery patients who were randomly selected from a database documenting cosmetic surgery outcomes. Six of the patients had undergone face and eyelid lifts, while the other six had facelifts, eyelid lifts, and eyebrow lifts. Overall, the researchers found that participants gave higher ratings to women in post-operative photos. In general, they perceived them to be more attractive, healthier, and more successful. Participants also thought the women were younger.

A number of studies have already shown that physical attractiveness provides many advantages, increasing the likelihood that the individual will be hired for a job or find a mate. Other studies have also found that good looks can even influence the judicial system. In one study, jurors were less likely to issue guilty verdicts to attractive defendants. In addition, it is well established that elections can be swayed by the physical appearance of candidates, with attractive candidates typically winning more votes.   

An accompanying editorial in JAMA suggests that surgeons in the field need to recognize that the benefits of a successful procedure are more than simply improving a patients physical appearance. When a person feels more attractive, he or she will have more confidence, stand taller, become less introverted, and even appear happier. In turn, others will begin to believe that the person holds all of those qualities, even if it is not true.

Dr. Kevin Sadati, an expert in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, developed a natural facelift known as the Double C Plication technique in response patient requests for a discreet, natural facelift results. Patients reported that they wanted to look more youthful, but not look as if they had undergone a procedure. In response, Dr. Sadati developed a unique facial muscle tightening for facial rejuvenation. This revolutionary technique was published in the American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. In addition to sharing this technique through a scholarly journal, Dr. Sadati has given numerous presentation in national meetings regarding his technique.

Dr. Sadati has performed over 3,000 lower face and neck lifts using local anesthesia and twilight sedation without the need for general anesthesia. As a result of his technique, patients report being told repeatedly that they look amazing, with no one guessing that he or she had undergone a face or neck lift. Instead, patients relayed that others thought they had lost weight, gotten a new haircut, or taken a relaxing vacation. With this minimally invasive technique, patients looked refreshed and more youthful. Typically, Dr. Sadatis Double C Plications technique can offer results that take 10-15 years off with the facelift and 20-30 years off with the necklift.

As a painter and sculptor, Dr. Kevin Sadati blends art and medical science to create beautiful, natural-looking results in his cosmetic surgery patients. His extensive skills have led to him being voted Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Orange County by OC registrar two years in a row. Through his experience, surgical finesse, and artistic talent, Dr. Kevin Sadati has become one of the most sought after facelift surgeons in the country.



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