Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Lounge | Dr. Kevin Sadati | Dr. Whitney Florin | Dr. Ali Tehrani
Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery Coto de Caza CA
Procedure(s): Rhinoplasty
Correction: Wide Nose, Large Tip, Dorsal Hump
Results: Very Beautiful and Natural Look
This patient a 24 year-old young lady and a college student who did not like her nose due to wide tip, wide dorsum, and nasal hump. She searched the internet for a rhinoplasty surgeon and found Dr. Sadati. She came in for a complimentary consultation and brought her parents as well, they had many questions.
She then signed up to have her nose job with Dr. Sadati. An open Rhinoplasty was performed to correct the shape of her nose at our Orange County surgery center and it took about two hours. The procedure corrected all the concerned area.
She had a rapid recovery and returned to her normal activities in one week. She is very happy with her nose. The after photos were taken approximately 3 months after the procedure.
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