Your Facelift Recovery Explained: Day 1 to Day 30
Dr. Sadati specializes in the facelift procedure and its many techniques. A facelift, also called rhytidectomy, is beneficial for patients who want to combat aging signs in the face and neck. Facelifts get rid of unwanted wrinkles, jowls, and sagging skin, helping patients to achieve a more youthful look. For those who are considering a facelift procedure, it is important to know about the recovery period following the surgery. Although the full results from the facelift take a few months, the recovery time is much shorter.
It is hard for Dr. Sadati to give an exact number for the length of recovery as it is dependent on many factors like age, health status, and type of facelift performed. But, knowing what to expect during the recovery period and following Dr. Sadati’s postoperative care instructions will make a big difference in the facelift results.
Read on to learn more about what to expect during a typical facelift recovery period.

Facelift Recovery Week 1
At this point, it is important to follow instructions for postoperative incision care and keep the incisions clean in order to prevent any infection.
Day 1: During this time, you may feel drowsy and unsteady. There should be someone that is able to take you home and stay with you during your first night.
Day 2: You will have a follow-up visit with Dr. Sadati. He will remove the surgical dressings and evaluate the incisions.
Day 3: Rest is highly recommended. Bruising and swelling typically reach their height around this day. But these side effects will still be present for several weeks
Days 4-6: During this time your pain should be more tolerable, and you may no longer need medication. You should also feel more comfortable moving around. If you feel well enough, doing light housework is usually permitted.
Facelift Recovery Week 2
During this week, you will most likely still have some swelling and bruising. You may also feel some numbness, tingling, and tightness in the area. At the end of this week, most patients are able to resume doing light activities and return to work.
Facelift Recovery 3 and 4
At this point, your sutures will be removed. You may still have some residual swelling and tightness, but most patients start looking and feeling much better. This is when most patients see a noticeable change in their faces. By this time, regular exercise can resume. The incision sites may still have a pink hue but this should fade over time.
What to Expect After Day 30?
After one month, your normal daily activities should be completely resumed, and you should be enjoying your new look. It could take up for one year for all of the swelling, bruising, and tightness to subside.
It is important to keep in mind that these time frames are very general. Each patient will have a unique experience during their recovery time. By speaking with Dr. Sadati and following his postoperative care instructions, you should have an easy and smooth recovery.
Call (949) 706-7776 or fill out our online form to schedule your consultation with us. Conveniently located near Fashion Island, the airport and the beach. Please visit us while you are out in the beautiful area of Newport Beach.