Video Transcript
hi my name is Wendy Heath new gas I had a lower neck lift and a lower face lift seven days ago right seven days ago amazing I found dr. sadati cuz my girlfriend had the surgery and I saw her seven days post-op and thought wow she looked amazing her neck she made her look 20 years younger so I decided I needed to do it – I’m gonna be honest with you with the consultation and maybe a little emotional I met dr. sadati and his bedside manner and I truly felt his heart I’m sorry but it’s exactly how I felt the moment I met him he’s comforting he asked me what was important to me he did it well he wasn’t a surgeon that cared about the money he cared about my heart and how I felt so right away from the consultation I knew he was the doctor I felt his bedside manner was amazing and I just had to be with him and seven days later I’m still so happy sorry I have to tell you from the moment I came here with the heartfelt doctor sadati and his staff I felt so compelled that this was the place that was going to make my new look give me a new neck and make me get rid of this hereditary thing that really bothered me plastic surgery is something that you got to do for yourself so when I met the staff I felt super secure they went through every single step of the way I did everything they told me what medicines they told me to take what natural things they told me to take they had a certain process follow the process it works secondly I showed up at the surgery center and I think I walked in to help Jessica like it’s like family the whole staff and you just knew right away I was gonna be in good hands and they didn’t go under any anesthesia that’s huge for someone over 50 because you do have to take an echocardiogram when you go on air anesthesia this was done under Twilight I took no pain pills no I’m serious I’ve been on Tylenol and this is day seven I did no payments and no anesthesia he’s amazing I can’t even I can’t think the staff and doctor sadati enough I’m so happy seven days out amazing like anytime you you do a surgery I have never done anything to my face I was nervous I’m gonna be honest I thought am I gonna look the same am I gonna be afraid this first day I took the wrap off I thought I looked good funny and that’s just me being hard on myself like we are as women right the second day when I I took the wrap off and I touched up the makeup a little bit and put a little mascara on I thought oh my god day two I live today good I can’t even tell you this is seven days later and I did a training last night for my team and I was on camera as well no one knew a thing so amazing seven days later I feel a little tightness I will tell you it’s a little stiff and a little tight but tylenol and that’s it I would recommend this book to everyone I want all my friends to do this now