Video Transcript
hi my name is Bruce I had this procedure done three years ago next month I’m 70 years old this summer a few months ago and I’m extremely pleased with the results yeah if you see the before pictures you’ll see a marked difference and you can contrast the two but I’m so happy with the results as a matter of fact that my wife last week just had the same procedure done and what I had done was a lower facelift and buccal fat removal and I just got tired of looking in the mirror every day and seeing the jowls starting to form and the big sagging neck and my wife and I both are very physically active she used to run marathons we do a lot of hiking we work out do a lot of bicycling and we we feel young and now we feel we like that we look more how we feel and that that was a big part of it I was still working when I had this done and people treat you different in the work environment but as you can see it’s so totally natural when I went back to work after I went back to work three weeks after the procedure and people kind of looked at me funny but I didn’t tell anybody there except one good friend that I was having his procedure done but people mostly said you just looked different they couldn’t place it and of course I told him I was working out and I lost a lot of weight during the three-week period and they they accepted that but I’m extremely happy doctor sadati I come from the medical community and I did a lot of research and background investigation in pick dr. sadati you know google is your friends so to speak and the testimonials from people like me and the results I saw convinced me he would be the best doctor for this procedure because as you know there are many out there the clinic is his facility is fantastic the best equipment the staff is extremely professional highly trained everybody makes your visit very pleasurable you know I people asked me if it was painful frankly I can’t recall I was trying to relate to my wife what to expect and I don’t really remember that much other than some discomfort for the first couple of days at the procedure but the pain was very minor they they make sure that you’re given the proper medications to control the pain if if that’s an issue for you I I really only took them maybe one or two nights so there was very you know relatively little discomfort and pain and I don’t remember anything about the procedure and that’s wonderful too because again I didn’t know how they were going to that without going under a total general anesthesia but it was a it was a light Twilight sleep I remember nothing about the procedure but I woke up walked out to the car when I was picked up and remember everything from that point forward one thing I love about having this procedure done why I’m so happy I had it done is how I’m treated and seeing when I go out every day when I’m with people I’m retired now but my wife had a friend over a few weeks ago I had not met her they go out hiking a lot together and we were talking and then I mentioned my age 70 years old I love telling people I’m 70 years old because I know I don’t look it and she said well you can knock me over with a feather I I thought I thought you know my wife’s name is Doreen she said while Noreen you go girl you got a young one and now she’s having the procedure done so we’re gonna looks more appropriate I guess but you know when I when I tell people or when people see that I’m 70 years old they a lot of them do comment that I look really good for my age of course part of that’s to your lifestyle and taking care of yourself physically and I do that as well so it it’s something that I would highly recommend for people like from the standpoint of just self-image when I look in the mirror every day and I’m shaving or getting ready to do what I want to do for the day it’s just good looking at if somebody I feel age-appropriate I mean seven years old you you know when you’re a young man you think 70 well that’s really old and it’s like my wife and I are talking 70 you know face it that’s old but we neither one of us feel old and we we wanted to look the way we feel and now it’s it’s 70 is just a number as far as working sir and so I extremely happy I had this done would highly recommend dr. sadati if you’re considering procedures like this and look forward to the future