Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Lounge | Dr. Kevin Sadati | Dr. Ali Tehrani

Regaining your Youth

OK, so youre no longer 20. Maybe youre no longer even 30? 40? Maybe not, but there is a way for you to regain that youthful appearance and it is called a facelift. Before you go off about being superficial and not needing it, consider this: facelifts are far more common than you might think and have helped millions of people just like you feel better about their appearance.

And, whats wrong with that? Nothing. Keep reading. You deserve to have all the facts. If you are thinking about having a facelift, you also deserve to have it done right by a board certified professional. Do not settle on this. We are talking about shaving years off your appearance and the effect on your face and on your mind cannot be overstated. It is nothing short of amazing. Keep reading.

There are many different types of facelifts and the results will largely depend on what your goals as a patient really are. If you are in your seventies, you might want to lose that turkey neck that has been developing.

If you are in your sixties, maybe you are looking for a complete rejuvenation. If you are in your forties or fifties, a little something here or there can literally make you look ten or fifteen years younger. Imagine rolling into your class reunion looking like you just graduated.

What about your buddies on the golf course that comment on how great you look, but they just can pin down why. The girls at the spa will wonder how you have managed to keep yourself looking so great with your high-energy and busy schedule. While they are counting their crows feet, you are shining like a Tiffany showroom. But what about the celebrity facelift disasters on TV? These people pay big bucks to stay young, but end up looking like a tight-lipped mummy doll. Well, keep reading.

A successful facelift depends on many factors, not the least of which is surgeon expertise. And, nonot all surgeons are alike. Even within the celebrity community, a plastic surgeon with qualifications such as board certification, publication in major medical journals, and a peer leader in facelift procedures are hard to find. Whats more, patient cooperation is absolutely essential to recovery. Many celebrity facelift disasters might be attributed to a lack of patient understanding and cooperation in the recovery phase. Of course, that wont happen to you. Why? Stop reading. Call right now to find out



Call (949) 706-7776 or fill out our online form to schedule your consultation with us. Conveniently located near Fashion Island, the airport and the beach. Please visit us while you are out in the beautiful area of Newport Beach.

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