Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Lounge | Dr. Kevin Sadati | Dr. Ali Tehrani

Plastic Surgery for Moms

Plastic Surgery for MomsThe world of motherhood is a wonderful one but it is also exhausting. Moms of all shapes, sizes, races and ethnicities spend countless hours awake during the middle of the night, chasing after little ones all day and hardly taking a moment for themselves. Whether a woman has a baby at 25 or 35, she is likely to notice that motherhood takes a toll on her body and quickly. Mothers who breastfeed their babies find that their breasts sag after their child has weaned and many women have stretch marks on their breasts. Women who have been pregnant, often get stretch marks on their stomach as well as on their thighs. It is a rewarding experience, but it certainly comes with costs, too.

While mothers pride themselves on their abilities to put their children first, it is good for both the mom and the children that a mother also feels like a woman. Self confidence is crucial when it comes to being a wonderful mom, and sometimes the physical toll of motherhood can make a woman feel less confident about herself, her body and her mothering abilities. Many women in Orange County have found that cosmetic surgery is a great way to combat some of the physical side effects of motherhood and at the same time boost their self esteem and body image.

Popular choices for moms include liposuction, tummy tuck procedures, breast augmentation surgery and Injectable Facial Rejuvenation. Dr. Kevin Sadati offers all of these procedures and more at his Newport Beach practice.

As women who have given birth well know, your body is never quite the same after the fact. While it is a wonderful experience to bring children into this world, many women long for the days where their breasts were perky, their skin was firm and their body was worth showing off in a bikini. Liposuction and tummy tuck procedures can help women achieve the same look that they had prior to having children and  with a proper diet and regular exercise routine can allow women to maintain that body for the rest of their lives. Being physically fit is essential in keeping up with young children, and it is important to show children the importance of maintaining a healthy image.

Breastfeeding is one of the most wonderful gifts a woman can give her child, and it is an experience that many women value. However, it certainly takes its toll on the breasts. Women consider breasts to be an important part of their self image, and they want to appear attractive and sexual even after having children. A breast augmentation can restore life in their breasts, allowing them to go forward in life with pride and self confidence.

Of course, there is no word that better describes the experience of parenting better than pure exhaustion. Endless days and sleepless nights will take a physical toll on the body, and fast. Sometimes women need a bit of rejuvenation to get  their self confidence back. Injectable Facial Rejuvenation is a quick and easy process which yields immediate results.

No matter what a woman is looking for out of her own mommy makeover, Dr. Sadati is happy to discuss the many options available to her. He knows that a strong, self confident mom is a happy mom, and that means she will be more available for her kids. Moms who are interested in investing a little in themselves should set up a free consultation appointment as soon as possible.



Call (949) 706-7776 or fill out our online form to schedule your consultation with us. Conveniently located near Fashion Island, the airport and the beach. Please visit us while you are out in the beautiful area of Newport Beach.

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