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Medical Tourism: What is it and Is It Right for You?

Newport Beach Medical TourismTourism usually involves visits to exotic places to see interesting things and meet interesting people. Usually tourism involves places like New York City to see the Statue of Liberty; or India to see the Taj Mahal. But, some people go to different countries to seek medical care; and, cosmetic surgery is near the top of the list.

Medical Tourism is a booming, multi-billion dollar business with hundreds of thousands of people making trips to make themselves more beautiful. Some top destinations include Mexico, Costa Rica, United States, Thailand, Singapore, Brazil, and Argentina. Within the U.S., Orange County, California is as good as it gets.

When deciding on a medial tourism destination, it might be helpful to consult a concierge service that specializes in overseas medical care. Since most of the care is an out of pocket expense, the concierge might direct a tourist to affordable hospitals.

Many times, U.S. hospitals have partnerships with international health care facilities. As an example, Harvard University Medical School has a place in Dubai and Johns-Hopkins has a hospital in Singapore.

Cosmetic Surgery is a price driven industry which, then, begs the question: why would anyone come to the United States for a procedure? Well, maybe one of many reasons. First, a place like Orange County is a hotbed of cosmetic surgery innovation. While many other nations boast cheap plastic surgery, Southern California continues to be on the leading edge of technology and medicine. Therefore, some procedures might only be performed in the United States. While medical tourism denotes travel to other countries, it can also mean travel to another state. Many patients visit Orange County from other states to have a procedure performed by a top-notch surgeon.

If you are considering traveling for your cosmetic surgery, there are a few things you should keep in mind. While medical tourism is billed as a vacation, it is still involves a surgical procedure. To properly heal, vacation related activities should be avoided. Patients should steer clear of strenuous activities including running, skiing, and hiking. Sunbathing should also be avoided.

Travel, particularly on aircraft, can sometimes increase the likelihood of complications including embolism and blood clots. While medical tourism can be exciting and cost effective, be sure to know the risks and benefits. After all, even though you may be visiting exotic climes for your medical care, surgery is still surgery and can be a traumatic experience.



Call (949) 706-7776 or fill out our online form to schedule your consultation with us. Conveniently located near Fashion Island, the airport and the beach. Please visit us while you are out in the beautiful area of Newport Beach.

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