Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Lounge | Dr. Kevin Sadati | Dr. Ali Tehrani

Your Breast Lift Recovery Timeline

Planning your breast lift surgery can be exciting – if you’ve experienced breast sagging because of aging or pregnancy, then a breast lift is one of the most effective ways to lift and rejuvenate your figure. However, as with any surgery, the breast lift requires some dedicated aftercare. Dr. Kevin Sadati will give you a complete timeline for your recovery as well as instructions on how to take care of yourself, but here’s a quick overview of breast lift recovery and what you can expect.


The Day of Surgery

You’ll be able to return home after your surgery – however, you’ll need a responsible close friend or family member to drive you home from our on-site, private medical suite. The breast lift is typically performed using general anesthesia so you may feel groggy and tired that day. Your breasts will be covered in bandages and a supportive surgical bra. You may have drains in place, and you’ll be given instructions on how to manage them. You may not need strong pain medications until the anesthetic wears off. You may also have some nausea, a common side effect of anesthetic. For the first day after surgery, you should plan to simply rest.

Three Days After Breast Lift Surgery

The first three days after surgery are generally when you may experience discomfort. However, most patients experience minimal pain. Dr. Sadati will prescribe medications to help manage pain if needed. You’ll follow up with Dr. Sadati during this time where your incisions can be checked, your bandages can be removed, and your drains can be assessed. You’ll be asked to monitor your drain output during this time. You can shower two days after your surgery but you want to avoid getting your incisions soaked.

One Week After Breast Lift Surgery

By one week, most discomfort and swelling should subside. At this point, you should be able to move around the house and complete light tasks. It’s still important to avoid intensive activities or heavy lifting. If you work an office-based job or work from home, you can typically return to work within one week. Many patients return to work after a few days.  

Two Weeks After Breast Lift Surgery

By week two, any lingering discomfort should be gone. Continue to wear your surgical bra and avoid strenuous activity. Your incisions should be mostly healed at this point, and you can resume showering regularly. However, still avoid hot tubs, saunas, and swimming pools.

One Month After Breast Lift Surgery

At this point, you’ll feel ready to resume your regular activities (except for working out). You can generally walk around and perform light tasks. Most swelling should be gone by now and you can begin to appreciate your results.

Six Weeks After Breast Lift Surgery

At this point, you can stop wearing your compression bra and switch to your favorite underwire or exercise bras. You can also resume your normal activities like sleeping on your side, exercising, and lifting your arms up. You can also begin using scar products to help fade any scarring. Make sure to consult Dr. Sadati for a recommendation. It can take up 6-12 months for your final results to emerge, but you’ll be fully recovered by this time.

Schedule an Appointment

If you’re ready to take the next step and schedule your breast lift, the Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Lounge is your destination. To meet with Dr. Kevin Sadati to explore ways to achieve a new level of confidence, contact our luxurious Newport Beach office by calling or filling out our online form.



Call (949) 706-7776 or fill out our online form to schedule your consultation with us. Conveniently located near Fashion Island, the airport and the beach. Please visit us while you are out in the beautiful area of Newport Beach.

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